Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's in the Eyes

In looking for ideas for how I'd want to be shot for a portrait, I came over these amazing artists. Hopefully someone else may find inspiration in them, as well.

Leonard Green:

Leonard Green is a freelance photographer from Sweden who works mainly as a fashion photographer, but some of his work is definitely more that that:  it captures something inside the models that most fashion shots don't. His portraits seem to me like the stronger parts of his portfolio, but that's up to interpretation I suppose. Here are some of my favorites, and you can view more of his work HERE.

Chris Knight:

Chris is a photographer originally from Germany and currently in Florida. View his full portfolio HERE.

Caitlin Worthington:

Caitlin is an amateur portrait photographer from Australia who's just 20 years old! You can view her profile on deviantART under mumbojumbo89, or her official portfolio HERE.

Federico Erra:

His monochromatic portraits are simply striking. Could only find a Flickr profile, so view all his images THERE.

Chayo Mata:

Chayo is a fashion photographer from San Antonio, Texas who majored in Commercial Photography, worked  for Steven Meisel (of American and Italian Vogue) for three years, and has been shooting professionally in New York for the last seven years. View her full portfolio HERE.

Zhang Jingna:

Born near Beijing and currently residing in Singapore, Zhang's photos are absolutely gorgeous in their quiet sensuality. Check out her deviantART profile HERE and her official portfolio HERE.

Akif Hakan Celebi:

deviantART: hakanphotography
Official Site

Victoria Sims:

"Victoria Sims is a 21 year old fashion, beauty and creative photographer from London, England." See her portfolio on deviantART under TheTragicTruth-Of-Me or on her website.

1 comment:

  1. Love the old-timey ones. Esp Federico Erra's shot of the girl in the bathing suit. Gorgeous.
