Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Underwater Photography

Please click the photographer's name to navigate to his/her website.

Ric Frazier:

"Award-winning photographer Ric Frazier is one of the most skilled, experienced and versatile photographers specializing in water in the world. He has redefined the art of underwater photography, shooting everything ranging from people, props and sets, to ocean life.
Keeping in mind his goal of creating photos that show innovations in light and movement, Ric reminds the viewer that water is not only comfort, but also that it is energy, strength and life."
(from his website)


She's got some great "regular" fashion photos on her website, in addition to the underwater ones.

Lambis Stratoudakis:

"capture the spirit of silence"

Aaron Wong:

He has some really creative stuff on his website, like a series of underwater goddess compilations and a couple of underwater Disney character shots and just all sorts of strange things. He definitely plays around with some creative advertising ideas.

Peter Mulder:

He does quite a bit of deepwater stuff, which I'm still undecided on. I much prefer the light, airy look of shallow or pool water. He's got some of both, though, so take a look -- if you don't get sick of the absolutely horrid-to-navigate website.

Thomas Tukker:

"My mission is to develop my eye constantly and I can show you what I have created in the 5 years since I practice photography. I don't feel like being a certain "type" of photographer, my biggest joy comes from finding the moments "in between".

Capturing or creating real moments, frozen in time, show the rare split second that only photography can reveal."
(from his website)

Zena Holloway:

 She is probably my favorite. Her work is just absolutely gorgeous.

"If you thought that fashion was a highly specialized area of photography, Bahrain born Zena Holloway has somehow managed to take it one step further by focusing her career on the underwater variety...

Now based in London, she regulary shoots for a range of magazines and advertising clients who appreciate th eunique impact of her colourful dreamlike images.

Zena has most recently completed a two year project to illistrate Charles Kingsley's 1863 novel The Water Babies..."
(from her website)


Not sure about the sources/photographers of these photos:



*For even more underwater photographers, you can browse Lars Kirchhoff's listing on his blog HERE.


Lastly, here is someone that I actually know:

And my personal favorite:

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